Do you need a day job where you can ignore your boss, exempt
yourself from laws, vote for raises in pay, have premium healthcare, have a
base salary of $174,000, 401K Style Thrift Savings Plan AND Pension(for 5 years
of service), and maybe a separate
allowances for office staff($900,000+) and furniture($3.3M average)? Just run for a seat in the U.S. Congress!!
According to the Social Security Administration, in 2011 the
average U.S. citizen earned $
42,979.61. Only a ¼ of what a 1st Term U.S.
Representative makes. Since 2011, Congress as a whole as maintained an approval
rating of only 24% or less according to data from Gallup. How they are able to
maintain a job with these kinds of benefits and rating that low, is beyond me. Would
you be able to keep your job if your boss approved of only 24% of the work you
did, or only 24% of the board of approved of your work? That’s highly doubtful. Congress will tell you all about the work they do, even
though an actual budget hasn't been passed in 15 years(1997).
The 'do as I say, not as I do’ mentality in the
Federal Government has got to stop.
The Affordable Healthcare Act should be repealed. Not
because I want to keep healthcare out of the hands of Americans, but because it
is the most Anti-American piece of legislation to date. I would say that it’s
unconstitutional, but the U.S. Supreme Court has already determined that it is
not. So, I am calling it Un-American. You
can forget liberty as this program is being forced, yes I said forced, upon the
American people who have no choice but to purchase this, or be fined, or as
they put it, “pay a Tax Penalty” equal to $95 or 1% of their income-whichever
is greater. Oh, but this only applies to those who aren’t making the laws, enforcing them, or big business. In
this case what’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander. I seriously
doubt Congress and our executive leaders will step up and say, “This program is
so good; I’m going to opt out of my premium healthcare program and sit-down at
the table with rest of America and eat what we are force-feeding them.”
Although, I would most certainly applaud anyone of them that would that would
do that, regardless of party affiliation.
Will congress and the U.S. President be fined like
those of us who decide to opt out? Of course not.
The lack of liberty minded elected and appointed officials
in our government is appalling. The basis of our countries foundation is based
on the creed of, “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and
those who represent the governed would do well take that into consideration the
next time they come across a new piece of legislation or be reminded come next election season.